Necromancy Casting

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The Necromancy casting style is only available to the Giovanni and other necromantic bloodlines such as the Harbingers of Skulls or the Samedi.

Necromancer provoke the boundary between the living and the dead to commune and control the dead.

Necromancers must rid themselves of the touch of life to better feel the dead, meaning they can not cast in the same night they feed. Unless they have killed their food.


Common paths

Hades Gate: Mastery of the shroud

Movement of the Mind: Art of Poltergeists

Rare Paths

Mastery of the Mortal Shell: Possession

Path of Countermagic: Using Entropy to Dispel Magic

Spirit Manipulation: Communing with Spirits both Living and Dead.

The Hearth Path: Path of the Haunted House

Path of Levinbolt: Manipulation of Electric Currents in the Human Body

