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Sanguinous: To be a brother you must have the first three levels of Sanguinous or be a blood brother

Level 1: Brothers Blood:

Other members of the kindreds circle ( ie. Other vampires with Sanguinous) can spend blood up to their generational maximum in order to heal the kindred. This power cannot be used to heal Ag.

Level 2: Lend a Hand:

One member of the blood brothers can lend another member either an arm, and eye, or a leg. The person lending spends one blood. They then lose the use of the limb for an hour while it is grafted onto their brother. Max two limbs can be donated per person. Leg = +1 step Arm= +1 physical Eye = +2 on investigation challenges and immunity to surprise.

Level 3: Gestalt Thought:

All members of the circle spend a blood when this power is activated. For the next hour they may all communicate telepathically. In addition all members of the circle gain a number of bonus traits on awareness challenges equal to the number of brothers in the scene with them.

Level 4: Walk with Caine:

A blood brother can spend a blood and a will power to lower another one of his circle mates generation by one for one hour. A blood brother can only have his gen reduced by three in this way and it must be done by three different brothers.

Level 5: Coagulated Entity:

The blood brothers fuse into a big blood golem. The initiator spends a willpower and then they all join hands. For each brother that joins in the ritual. The Coagulated mass gains

2 health levels

1 level in a discipline that one of the other brother has at 5.

1 step per round

2 physical traits

And 3 extra maximum blood.

The blood brother with the lowest Gen is the pilot of the Mass. If they are all equal then it goes to willpower. Then to virtue totals, then to trait totals