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Kailindo Gifts

Klaivaskar: Klaivaskar: Is the ancient name for Klaive Dueling. It is the most commonly practiced form of swordsmanship/armed combat practiced among all Fera, though it is slightly less popular among Garou than it is among other shifters. While its principles are based on the blade, it may be used armed or Unarmed

Name: Flow Like Water

Level: Basic

Cost: Permanent

Duration: Permanent

Flavor: The Garou first learn to move their blade as an extension of themselves

Effect: Garou may use the melee skill defensively in place of the defense skill. Though she may only apply one or the other against a single attack


Name: One on one

Level: Basic

Cost: 1 Rage

Duration: Scene

Flavor: The honor of a duelist is a palpable thing. The garou insults the target in the face of their ancestors and forces them to face him in single combat

Effect: The Garou makes a Social attack ( Melee retests) + Socials ( willpower). If successful the target must engage him in single combat on the following initiative. If anyone from the user’s side intercedes in the duel then the power ends. When used against non Changing breeds, targets may spend a second willpower to try and negate the effect. Targets may not fear frenzy in response to this power being used successfully on them.


Name: Perfected Blade Aegis

Level: Advanced

Cost: Permanent

Duration: Permanent

Flavor: The garou is an impenetrable fortress of silver and steel

Effect: The Garou can call Athletics, in place of defense. Though she may only apply one or the other against a single attack


Name: Three Headed Cerberus Slash

Level: Advanced

Cost: 1 Rage

Duration: Instant

Flavor: The garou channels her spirit into the blade allowing it to strike in three realms. The garou lights her blade aflame wreathing it in unearthly flame

Effect: The garou gains +3 traits and can strike targets in the Low or middle Umbra if they are in the material world _______

Name: Superior Skill

Level: Master

Cost: 1 Rage

Duration: Instant -

Flavor: The Ultimate technique of Klaivaskar allows one to master the philosophy of dueling, granting her an overwhelming advantage in any confrontation

Effect: The Garou can spend a Rage to gain a Might level retest on any challenge so long as they are armed with a blade. Patient Masters use this skill sparingly, as it results in them depleting their Rage quickly.