Caitiff Clan Variations

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A Sabbat-specific bloodline of Thin Bloods who have rallied under Joseph Pander and undergone a ritual that permanently changes them to a member of his "Tribe." Not all who claim Pander as a clan have undergone the ritual and someone can be a regular caitiff within the Sabbat. Panders are listed here instead of being a Flaw because they have enough changes to their Clan Advantage and Clans Flaw.

Clan: Pander

In Clans: Any two, and "One of My Tribe."

Clan Advantage: May learn the 4th and 5th level of "One of my Tribe"

Clan Flaw: Panders do not need the secrets of Elder blood. They are better than it. Panders have no shortage of willpower, but instead, the multiplier for learning level 5 disciplines is increased by one. (This does not apply to One of My Tribe.)

Caitiff Disciplines One of My Tribe is Located here.