The River of Blood:

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The River of Blood:

The River of Blood holds a belief that Generation is merely a state of perception. Not just personal perception but a perception of the world around you. The founders fully accept the myth of Caine as the first vampire and attempt rituals and rites that allow them to travel back down their own lineage. The River members connect with what they refer to as the “Courts of Blood” to gain information, knowledge, and spiritual enlightenment, as they try to figure out what it means to be kindred. Members of both the New Age and Punk thaumaturges are most common in the River. Members are called Crewe

Requirements: A member must be able to cast a second level ritual. A member must be invited to the meeting by two other members. A person is allowed to watch one meeting before joining. joining requires casting the Rite: River Runs Through. Listed below.

A meeting of the river must be cast on a powerful node (Level 4 or above) The Spirit of that node will be summoned and made manifest by the ritual. There must be at least 3 members to cast the rite.


  • 1. Never refuse to instruct another kindred on the River
  • 2. Always be researching something new with the rest of your group.
  • 3. Never refuse a chance to learn something new

Trials: Trials connect the Kindred to more and more spiritual courts. The goal is to use the spirits and their fellow members to release the shackles imposed by our perception of “Generation.” The Rituals send you up the river of your own blood.

Trial 1: The River Runs Through: The kindred is submerged in a tub of blood and water. His fellows on the river invite them in and push their head under. The Vampire drinks the bloody water and at the end emerges a member of the Crewe.

Effect: Membership

Trial 2: Break the Chains: The ritual must take place fully underwater. The trial goer is tied up and submerged in the water by his fellows. He will be lowered into the water and be confronted by an image of his sire. Upon the end of the ritual, he will begin to choke, as though he was drowning. He will have to free himself and swim to the top. He can also be pulled out by his Crewe.

Effect: One of your trait caps increases by one.

Trial 3: Blood of the Grave: Members who take on this trial are brave and trustful of their allies. She will lie in a brass tub that has been ritually prepared. Once inside she will expel her blood until her system is empty. The ritual provides a bonus against frenzying, she must not frenzy and enter torpor. There will be a vision quest. At the end of which she will emerge and can begin feeding on her own vitae.

Effect: Increases Blood Pool by one

Trial 4: The First City: The trial must be performed in a natural body of water. An anchor is tied to the kindred’s leg and they are tossed into the ocean. Ritual words are said over them beforehand. Spirit Journey ensues...They will fight something on the other side. They must get out of the water when they emerge, hopefully, the sun will not have risen yet.

Effect: Gains a New In clan Discipline.

Trial 5: The Endless Garden: No one has ever come back from this. It involves ritually preparing a piece of wood still planted to the ground and then thrusting it through the chest of the kindred after performing the rite. Casters are certain that it works. The aura flits off into the distance but were it goes after. No one is quite sure. Only One kindred has ever come back from this and he came back a very changed man.

The River of Blood holds a belief that Generation is merely a state of perception. Not just personal perception but a perception of the world around you. The founders fully accept the myth of Caine as the first vampire and attempt rituals and rites that allow them to travel back down their own lineage. The River members connect with what they refer to as the “Courts of Blood” to gain information, knowledge, and spiritual enlightenment, as they try to figure out what it means to be kindred. Members of both the New Age and Punk thaumaturges are most common in the River. Members are called Crewe

Effect: Max Willpower increases by one.

Trial 6: The Cliff ???:

Effect: ???