Get of Fenris

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Descendants of Mighty Fenris. Warriors from Scandinavia with no use for mercy against the Great Wyrm. The Get know that word are wasted on the Wyrm and only war can save Gaia from the apocalypse.

In Florida

The Get hold now territory in Florida. But their are plenty of enemies for them to face.

Relationship with other Changers

The Get are seen as loose cannons among the Garou. But it their dedication to destroying the wyrm has proven useful in the pass.

Tribe Culture

The Get often hold moots where leadership is decided by traditional duels. This ensures the strongest Garou rules. They value the ideals of Heroism and will not wait for the wyrm to make a move when it is discovered. cowardice is shamed harshly.

The Get also have an ancient blood feud with a Clan of Vampires called the Gangrel. For they are the children of Fenris's greatest foe the Blood God Odin.

A small faction of the Get Sided with the Nazis and their occultist during the second world war. The Get still hunt for members of this sect.

Patron Totem

Fenris: Fenris is a spirit of war. He teaches to never decline a worthy opponent and always seek new enemies to face.

Breed Gift

To Valhalla