Chimerical Ascension

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Description: The source of the Anurana gifts is unknown likely taught by a Bane though Chimera now has the ability to teach them. If the Frog can teach these Gifts he has not done so.

Taught by:(Banes, Frog?, Chimera)

Name: Frog Leap

Level: Basic

Cost: 1 Rage

Duration: Instant

Flavor: Frogs be hoppin'.

Effect: The Frog can spend a rage to leap up to 3 stories in a single bound. When used in combat, the frog can move their standard movement (4) +Rank x 2 steps. They may make a brawl attack at the end of this movement.


Name: Grasp the Beyond

Level: Advanced

Cost: 1 Gnosis

Duration: Instant

Flavor: The mind of a Werefrog is fuddled by the Madness of the Wrym. But Such a shattered mind can gain gleams of a greater truth. Redeemed Werefrogs risk reconnecting with the wyrm with every use but some knowledge is worth the risk...

Effect: When someone peers into the Labyrinth it changes them. Most go to look into the mouth of madness seeking power, but few walk away having gotten the thing they sought. The Anurana understands how to navigate the paths of madness, or maybe he’s just crazy enough there's nothing left for the Wyrm to do to them. For the purposes of one challenge, the Changing Breed can act as though he has one additional dot of lore. This additional dot can exceed generational maximums.


Name: Harnessing the Darkness

Level: Master

Cost: 1 Gnosis

Duration: Scene

Flavor: Decay and Rot are what the werefrogs Protect and lets flourish. Their connections with the acidic waters of Pentex facilities can be summoned with but a thought. Redeemed Anurana summon Tentacles made of pearlescent waters.

Effect: The Mockery gets one extra action and only one: This stacks with rage actions and other extra physical actions. This action occurs at the end of the round after all rage actions. This additional action is an attack using your physical traits. The arm protrudes from the Mockeries body does not inhibit the Fera's movement in any way. The arm can be used for two things. One, it can be used to bash targets. The arm is dexterous enough to wield weapons but it deals the Changing Breeds Claw damage if a weapon is not used. Two, the Mockery can ensnare opponents with his acidic arm. This is a grapple attempt that does not impede the user in any way. This arm can be concealed under clothes.