The Fury of Gaia

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Blood, Bone and Fury of Gaia These gifts channel the Fera’s innate connection to the earth and allow the Fera to manipulate Fire, Air, Earth and Water as easily as she can move her pinky.

When a Fera chooses this power she also picks one of the four classical elements. A Fera may learn this gift chain all four times if she so wishes.

Taught by Spirits of War or the elements(Dragon, Shark, Phoenix, Wendigo, Fenris)

Name: Create Element

Level: Basic

Cost: 1 Gnosis

Duration: Scene

Flavor: Gnosis is spiritual lifeblood, Clay that can be turned into anything if you just know the trick to it.

Effect: The Fera focuses and then about 100lbs of the element in question flows forth from her hands. Earth: This Earth can be used for many purposes and can come out as gravel, stones, or one large rock.

Water: This water flows forth over about a round. It can be salt or freshwater. Many Rokea betweeners swear by this gift.

Fire: The Fire wreathes the Fera’s body and makes them temporarily immune to flame. They ignore the next 5 levels of fire based damage.

Air: Creates enough breathable air for about 1 hour.


Name: Bolt

Level: Advanced

Cost: 1 Gnosis

Duration: Instant

Flavor: The Fera focuses her Gnosis into a spear, with which to smite the enemies of Gaia

Effect: The Garou emits a blast of Fire, Air, Earth or Water from her hands or mouth. This attack deals Rank in Ag. If the creature is afraid of the element the diff of the check is equal to your rank.


Name: Earth Friend’s Pact

Level: Master

Cost: Permanent/ 1 Gnosis

Duration: Permanent/ instant

Flavor: A Fera with this power becomes so intune with their element of choice that their soul may well become an elemental when they pass on.

Effect: All dealings with elementals of the specified type become easier for the Fera. ( make sure to tell the ST if this comes up in a scene)

In addition the Fera can call on the Element for a grandiose effect.

Earth: An earthquake happens. The scene is now different. Everyone ( except the caster) takes 5 bashing damage as the Fera punches the floor beneath her feet. A city block begins shaking and poorly built buildings fall to the ground. Everyone must consume two steps for every one they wish to take.

Water: The garou gains perfect control of a body of water for a scene. The body of water must be as large as a swimming pool. The garou can part the waves, use the waves to drown her foes, create tools for herself. In combat, this equates to an extra action for the Garou, each round the power is active for. Attacking with the waves is an Occult check, that deals 3 bashing.

Fire: A surge of hot magma erupts from the earth. The Scene is now different. Your Mentals (occult) vs Physicals (Athletics) vs one target. The target takes 4 ag if they fail as they are engulfed in lava.

Air: The Garou may ride the wind and travel 250mph through the sky. The Fera may not move in the same turn as activating this Gift. .