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While some supernaturals use their powers to gain mastery over the minds of others, the Ravnos, in particular, choose to manipulate the minds of their prey by warping the very appearance of reality around them.

Any Chimerstry illusions in a scene cause a Social Challenge for everyone viewing the illusion. Anyone who succeeds can see the illusion as a blatantly false image but can still perceive what the image was attempting to make. A person seeing through the illusion of a rose may still see a child's drawing of a rose or a translucent holographic rose. Anyone seeing through the illusion can pass their hand or another object through the illusion to instantly dissolve it for all viewers. Anyone who accidentally passes through an object, such as tripping and falling through an illusory wall, likewise shatter the illusion. While illusions can provide a false sense of texture they cannot provide resistance or force without the Level 5 power.

Moreover, all illusions are tethered to the scene in which they are created. A Chimeric knife may be created in a room and carried or thrown, but it evaporates upon moving across the threshold of another room, as do any people, animals, etc. Apparition and Horrid Reality are built upon previous illusions in place, and therefore take additional time to complete. An object may be created with Ignis Fatuus or Fata Morgana, then given movement with Apparition, then lastly weight and substance with Horrid Reality, taking a total of three actions. If Enduring Falsehood were also employed, a total of four actions would be spent crafting a truly lasting and lifelike illusion.

Chimeric Illusions are added at each level which are distinct things that can be done using Chimerstry. Players are still welcome to make illusions as described above but each level also has an illusion that can be created with a single action. That will always have the effect detailed below. They still can't be used with celerity.. They cost one blood to use and last for as long as they say they last.

Ignis Fatuus

Challenge: Social challenge (Subterfuge) Vs Socials Cost: One Blood and one Will Duration: Scene (Dismissable)

The Ravnos can generate a brief and static illusion that affects a single sense, chosen by the caster at the moment of creation. The illusion cannot move and only affects one sense. Creating the illusion takes an action, but dismissing it is instantaneous.

Those who come into contact with the illusion must win a social target in a Social Challenge to be able to pierce the illusion. The illusion fades immediately if strained or physically tested.

The illusion lasts for one scene or until the user of the power leaves the scene. You may make multiple illusions at once.

Bright Lights: Bright lights can be used to create a Flash that will temporarily stun anyone using Auspex sight

⚫⚫ Fata Morgana

Challenge: N/A Cost: N/A Duration: Scene

As per Ignis Fatuus, but your illusion extends to all five senses. Illusions still cannot move.

Phantom Blade: The Ravnos cannot make fully solid illusions at this level but he can make something just sharp enough to cut. Using this power the Ravnos can create a 2 trait, 2 Lethal sword for the Scene

⚫⚫⚫ Apparition

Challenge: N/A Cost: N/A Duration: Scene

At this level, the Ravnos can make a simple the illusions created by Ignis Fatuus and Fata Morgana can be made to move in a simple pattern determined when Apparition is activated. However, the illusions still require the Ravnos to be present.

After a full concentration action, the pattern can be changed to another simple repeating pattern.

The simple repeating pattern can have a loop of no longer than 10 seconds, one turn, and no conditional reactions.

Displacement: The Ravnos can cast this ability in a scene to create an illusion of himself standing slightly off center it moves with him and would be considered out of place by a mortal. He has a phantom defense retest until he spends it that can take him over his generational limits.

⚫⚫⚫⚫ Enduring Falsehood

Challenge: N/A Cost: One Willpower Duration: Until Sunrise

At this level, the Ravnos can make a simple the illusions created by Ignis Fatuus and Fata Morgana can exist past the presence of the caster after Enduring Falsehood is activated by spending an additional Temporary Willpower Trait.

Additionally, repetitions in a pattern from using Apparition can be increased from ten seconds to a full minute, but it still takes a full concentration action to change the pattern.

Inferno: The Ravnos explodes in illusory fire. It smells tastes and looks like fire. The Ravnos makes a Social ( Subterfuge) vs everyone presents Socials (Willpower). Any one who fails the check must make a Rotschreck test Diff 4.

⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ Horrid Reality

Challenge: Social challenge (Subterfuge) Vs Socials Cost: One Willpower and Variable Blood Duration: One Night

At this level, you can spend a Willpower Trait and up to five Blood Traits to imbue your illusion with substance. No longer a mere phantasm, illusions imbued with Horrid Reality possess one Healthy Health level and one Physical Trait regardless of their size or apparent composition. These illusions are now physical, made of the will and the blood of the Ravnos.

Creatures or persons created with Horrid Reality have one Social Trait per Blood Trait spent. They exist until they are either destroyed physically or come into fire/sunlight. Attempts to reach the mind of a conjured phantasm alert the mind of the caster, although the person exerting mental influence may not be aware of this. Mental attacks directed at a conjured entity flat out fail as the illusion possess physical substance but no mental capacity.

Objects imbued by Horrid Reality still have a single Healthy Health Level and Physical Trait to those who have seen through the illusion, appearing as shimmering fields of translucent force similar to their intended illusion but clearly supernatural.

Phantom Stake: Allows the Ravnos to make a staking challenge against a target. First Socials (Subterfuge) v Socials ( Willpower) If successful then he may make medicine challenges as usual to stake the target.